IECC Conference Call for Proposal Rubric

Category (1-5) Criteria 1-Unclear/Not Included 2-Fair 3-Adequate 4-Good 5-Exceptional
Objectives Session objectives are clearly stated, measurable, and supported by the information provided. Unclear, not specific, or not measurable objectives Somewhat clear, specific, or measurable objectives; Objectives vaguely support proposal content and relate to participant outcomes Adequately clear, specific, or measurable. Objectives somewhat support proposal content and relate lo participant outcomes Clear, specific, and measurable; Objectives generally support proposal content and relate to partlclpanl outcomes Well-stated, specific, and measurable. Objectives dlrecdy and clearly support proposal content and relate to participant outcomes
Outcomes The proposal contains a clear description of how the presentation will lead to productive outcomes for young children and their families across the spectrum of diversity {ability, cultural, linguistic, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, Long others). Unclear description and no relationship to productive outcomes for young children and families Somewhat clear description and little relationship to productive outcomes for young children and families Adequately written description, a vague relationship to productive outcomes for young children and families Clear, specific, and measurable; Objectives generally support proposal content and relate to partlclpanl outcomes Well written description and provides detailed statements of productive outcomes for young children and families
Audience The objectives and outcomes align to the identified audiences. Unclear written objectives and outcomes that do not align to the identified audience Somewhat clear written objectives and outcomes that minimally align to the identified audience Adequately written objectives and outcomes that generally align to the identified audience Clearly written objectives and outcomes that broadly align to the identified audience Well written description of how objectives and outcomes clearly align with and will meet the needs of the identified audience
Relevance The proposal must identify the importance for young children, families, practitioners, and/or professionals from a variety of backgrounds {e.g., considerations for culture, gender, language, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socio economic status, and diverse abilities). Unclear or irrelevant to young children, families, practitioners, and/or professionals from a variety of backgrounds Somewhat clear or relevant to young children, families, practitioners, and/or professionals from a variety of backgrounds Adequately clear or relevant to young children, families, practitioners, and/or professionals from a variety of backgrounds Content is relevant for young children, families, practitioners, and/or professionals from a variety of backgrounds Content is immediately relevant and important for young children, families, practitioners, and/or professionals from a variety of backgrounds
Embedding Anti Racism Practices Content is immediately relevant and important for young children, families, practitioners, and/or professionals from a variety of backgrounds The content includes an unclear description of how the presentation will add to understanding regarding the impact of systematic inequities on those who have experienced ongoing and historic marginalization. The content includes a somewhat clearly written description on how the presentation will add to understanding regarding the impact of systematic inequities on those who have experienced ongoing and historic marginalization. The content is adequately written description on how the presentation will add to understanding regarding the impact of systematic inequities on those who have experienced ongoing and historic marginalization. The content is clearly written and provides a general description on how the presentation will add to understanding regarding the impact of systematic inequities on those who have experienced ongoing and historic marginalization. The content is adequately written description on how the presentation will add to understanding regarding the impact of systematic inequities on those who have experienced ongoing and historic marginalization.
Current Evidence Base Includes ties to current research ·by providing a clear description of the evidence base supporting the practice, content, or outcome OR a description of how the presentation will add to the evidence base. (Examples of topics include, but are not limited to mentoring for diversity, policy activism, increasing diversity and representativeness in the conduct of research and teaching of EI/ECSE.). Please do not include citations. Unclear and does not provide a statement of evidence base supporting or adding to the practice, content, or outcome Somewhat clearly written but provides an unclear statement of evidence base supporting or adding to the practice, content, or outcome Adequately written but provides a vague statement of evidence base supporting or adding to the practice, content, or outcome Clearly written but provides a general statement of evidence base supporting or adding to the practice, content, or outcome Well written, provides detailed statement of the evidence base supporting or adding to the practice, content, or outcome
Presentaion of Materials Presentation plan is well organized; includes use of adult learning methods and multiple means of represntation and a describtion of how materials and content will be accessible to mebers in the audience Unclear or disorganized presentation plan; adult learning methods, multiple means of representation, or describtion of material or content accessibility are not included Limited presentation plan; adult learning methods, multiple means of representation, or description of material or content accessibility are not sufficient Adequate description of presentation plan; adult learning methods, multiple means of representation, and description of material and content accessibility are included Clear description of presentation plan; adult learning methods, multiple means of representation, and description of material and content accessibility are included Well written presentation plan; adult learning methods, multiple means of representation, and description of material and content accessibility are included